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Date T Library Title Author(s) Category(s)
1993 P P Asteroidal Resource Opportunities Suggested by Meteorite Data Lewis, John S.
Hutson, Melinda L.
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Geology and resources
  • 1996 P P Discovery of Abundant, Accessible, Hydrocarbons Nearly Everywhere in the Solar System Zuppero, A.
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Geology and resources
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Telescope spectroscopy
  • Exploration and resources / Comet / Geology and resources
  • Exploration and resources / Comet / Telescope spectroscopy
  • 1993 P P Dynamical Relationships of Near-Earth Asteroids to Main-Belt Asteroids Greenberg, Richard
    Nolan, Michael C.
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Geology and resources
  • 1995 P P Exploitation of Space Oases Kuck, David L.
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Geology and resources
  • Exploration and resources / Comet / Geology and resources
  • Bases, industry and manufacturing / Mining / Asteroid
  • 1994 P P Update of the Implications of Recent Space Resource Discovery Zuppero, Anthony
    Whitman, Pat
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Geology and resources
  • 1993 P P Short-Period Comets Weissman, Paul R.
    Campins, Humberto
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Geology and resources
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Probes
  • Exploration and resources / Comet / Geology and resources
  • Exploration and resources / Comet / Probes
  • 1993 P P Review of Asteroidal Compositions Nelson, Marcia L.
    Britt, Daniel T.
    Lebofsky, Larry A.
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Geology and resources
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Telescope spectroscopy
  • 2009 L,U Elemental Composition of 433 Eros: New Calibration of the NEAR-Shoemaker XRS Data Lim, Lucy F.; Nittler, Larry R.
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Geology and resources
  • 2008 L,U The Chronology of Asteroid Accretion, Differentiation, and Secondary Mineralization Nyquist, L. E.; Kleine, T.; Shih, C.-Y.; Reese, Y. D.
  • Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Geology and resources