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Suggestion for newcomers: Try Browse by Category to get a feel for what information is available.

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Step #3: Type what to search for
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You should pay attention to the professional results and opinions of people who spend their lives analyzing these problems. If you ignore them, you risk wasting your time reinventing the wheel and looking ignorant.

Of course, don't always believe or follow the "experts". They are usually right, but there are often conflicting professional opinions and wrong analyses or data. Nevertheless, it would be foolish to press ahead without first reviewing the analyses of professionals.

So, before you start working on any project, first research prior work, patiently and perseverantly.
Don't look foolish (like many journalists) because you didn't research the prior literature or ask more than one special interest outlook or opinion.
Reading others' works can help inspire ideas of your own, too.
Stand on the shoulders of giants. Build upon the knowledge base!
Here is a large knowledge base, made searchable, easy to use, and in context.

If you develop your knowledge or skills, and wish to collaborate for real progress, then many of these authors can be the best ones to work with, and proven producers of completed products of quality.

At the very least, this body of knowledge should help you develop a well rounded outlook in this field, give you a better chance at taking the best course, and enable you to lead others better.