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Please add your thoughtful Comments to each paper after reading them, if you have any useful additional analysis, information, or suggested guidance. Mutual sharing for the Greater Good is appreciated.
Date T Library Title Author(s) Category(s)
1996 P P Digital Image Analysis of Two-Dimensional Fluidized Beds at Lunar Gravity Brueneman, D.J.; Sorge,L.L.
Gibson, M.A.; Knudsen, C.W.
Kanamori, H.
  • Bases, industry and manufacturing / Resource processing and outputs / Chemical processing
  • Bases, industry and manufacturing / Resource processing and outputs / Zero or low gravity effects
  • 1981 P P Electrophoretic Separation of Lunar Soils in a Space Manufacturing Facility Dunning, Jeremy D.
    Snyder, Robert S.
  • Bases, industry and manufacturing / Resource processing and outputs / Electrophoresis
  • Bases, industry and manufacturing / Resource processing and outputs / Zero or low gravity effects
  • 1996 P P Flow Induced Charging of Liquids in Reduced Gravity Pettit, Donald
  • Bases, industry and manufacturing / Resource processing and outputs / Zero or low gravity effects
  • 1996 P P Fluid Management in Space-Based Systems Salzman, Jack A.
  • Bases, industry and manufacturing / Resource processing and outputs / Zero or low gravity effects
  • 1996 P P Issues on Geomechanics Costes, Nicholas C.
    Sture, Stein
  • Bases, industry and manufacturing / Resource processing and outputs / Zero or low gravity effects
  • 1996 P P Standpipe Solids Transfer Behavior in a Lunar Gravity Fluidized Bed Sorge, Les L.
    Burneman, J.D.O. et al
    Kanamori, Hiroshi
    Joosten, B. Kent
  • Bases, industry and manufacturing / Resource processing and outputs / Zero or low gravity effects