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Please add your thoughtful Comments to each paper after reading them, if you have any useful additional analysis, information, or suggested guidance. Mutual sharing for the Greater Good is appreciated.
Date T Library Title Author(s) Category(s)
1981 P P Design and Operation of High Performance Space Telescopes Frost, R. L.
Beckman, J. E.
  • Science pure / Telescope astronomy
  • 1994 P P Effects of Dust and Thermal Cycling on Telescope Mirror Performance [on the Moon] Chua, Koon Meng
    Pease, R. Eric
    Johnson, Stewart W.
  • Science pure / Telescope astronomy
  • Environment / Lunar / Dust
  • 1981 P P The Ultimate Telescope -- Space Manufacturing and the Gravitational Lens Hannah, Eric Cabot
  • Science pure / Radio astronomy
  • Science pure / Telescope astronomy