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Date T Library Title Author(s) Category(s)
1993 P P Astropolis - Space Colonization in the 21st Century Germano, Dipl.Ing. Antonio
Grandl, Dipl.Ing.Werner
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1995 P P Bootstrapping Space Communities with a Micro Rovers and High-Tensile Boot Laces (Tethers) Mackenzie, Bruce A.
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1997 P P Bouncing Molecular Nanotechnology-Based Space Transportation and Space Manufacturing Using LocationTheory: A Preliminary Look McKendree, Tom
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1985 P P Clarke Stations and Mercurian Mass-Drivers: Energy for Large-Scale Transportation Systems Jones, Eric M.
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1985 P P Earth Based Mass Driver Hirsch, Stuart A.
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1997 P N Implementation of Space Radiation Shield for Subsonic Maneuvering Propulsion Following Re-entry Myrabo, Keik
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1997 P P Implications of Molecular Nanotechnology for Space Resources Gillette, Stephen L.
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1997 P P Towards Asteroids and Resources Ramohalli, Kumar
    Hicks, Chad
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1997 P P Slingatron Mass Launch into Spacec Tidman, Derek A.
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1995 P P Planning Scenarios for Space Development McKendree, Thomas L.
  • Zz - Way out references
  • 1995 P P Minimizing the Initial Space Manufacturing Base Vetter, Steve
  • Zz - Way out references