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ID No : 18   Edit
Title: A New Airlock Approach for Human Exploration
Summary / Review : This paper reflects Boeing airlock studies over the previous several years to reduce mass, launch packaging and power usage -- the "doorlock" concept. "This paper summarizes past conceptual work and trade studies, presents a detailed structural analysis, and shows current full-scale engineering development unit (mock-up) activities." Major support due to Space Station Freedom efforts, but the author notes that it's applicable to lunar surface operations as well. - MP
Author(s) : Capps, Stephen, [Space Sys Design Engr, Boeing Defense & Space Group, CivilSpace Product Dev, PO Box 240002, M/S JW-21, Huntsville AL35824-6402]
Publication Type : Paper within a Parent compilation, or Presentation at a Professional conference
Parent Publication : Engineering, Construction and Operations in Space 4, proceedings of 4th International Conference onSpace '94, Volume I, published by American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, 1994.
Publication Date: 1994
Pages : 206-216
# of References : 12
Category(s) : Life / Habitats and biospherics
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Submitted by : Mark Evan Prado
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