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ID No : 237   Edit
Title: Issues of Landing on Near Earth Asteroids
Summary / Review : Covers considerations in orbiting and landing operations on asteroids due to irregular shapes and different gravitational and spin properties. Analyzes dynamics and modelling. Extracted from the author's abstract: "... This paper defines and discusses a variety of asteroid landing scenarios, gives a simple analysis of the benefits and difficulties involved with each of them and addresses the benefits of having accurate information about the target asteroid an d about asteroids in general. In conjunction with this paper some examples of orbiter and lander trajectories about asteroids [based on radar images] will be available in video format..." - MP
Author(s) : Scheeres, D.J., [Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109-8099]
Hudson, R.S., [Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California School of Electrical Engineering and Comuter Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2752]
Publication Type : Paper within a Parent compilation, or Presentation at a Professional conference
Parent Publication : Engineering, Construction and Operations in Space 5, proceedings of 5th International Conference onSpace '96, Volume II, published by American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, 1996.
Publication Date: 1996
Pages : 54-60
# of References : 12
Category(s) : Exploration and resources / Asteroid / Probes
Web URL : No known web URL exists. If you know of one, please Add Comment below.
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Submitted by : Mark Evan Prado
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