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ID No : 718   Edit
Title: Initial Considerations for Navigation and Flight Dynamics of a Crewed Near-Earth Object Mission
Summary / Review : "A crewed mission to a Near-Earth Object (NEO) was recently identified as a NASA Space Policy goal and priority. In support of this goal, a study was conducted to identify the initial considerations for performing the navigation and flight dynamics tasks of this mission class. Although missions to a NEO are not new, the unique factors involved in human spaceflight present challenges that warrant special examination. During the cruise phase of the mission, one of the most challenging factors is the noisy acceleration environment associated with a crewed vehicle. Additionally, the presence of a human crew necessitates a timely return trip, which may need to be expedited in an emergency situation where the mission is aborted. Tracking, navigation, and targeting results are shown for sample human-class trajectories to NEOs. Additionally, the benefit of in-situ navigation beacons on robotic precursor missions is presented. This mission class will require a longer duration flight than Apollo and, unlike previous human missions, there will likely be limited communication and tracking availability. This will necessitate the use of more onboard navigation and targeting capabilities. Finally, the rendezvous and proximity operations near an asteroid will be unlike anything previously attempted in a crewed spaceflight. The unknown gravitational environment and physical surface properties of the NEO may cause the rendezvous to behave differently than expected. Symbiosis of the human pilot and onboard navigation/targeting are presented which give additional robustness to unforeseen perturbations." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Holt, Greg N.; Getchius, Joel; Tracy, William H., [Johnson Space Center]
Publication Date: 2011
Category(s) : Missions / Asteroid
Missions / Manned
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NTRS : 20110000788
Other Ref # : AAS 11-051, JSC-CN-22574, JSC-CN-22962
Submitted by : MEP
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