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ID No : 829   Edit
Title: Simulation of a Lunar Surface Base Power Distribution Network for the Constellation Lunar Surface Systems
Summary / Review : "The Lunar Surface Power Distribution Network Study team worked to define, breadboard, build and test an electrical power distribution system consistent with NASA's goal of providing electrical power to sustain life and power equipment used to explore the lunar surface. A testbed was set up to simulate the connection of different power sources and loads together to form a mini-grid and gain an understanding of how the power systems would interact. Within the power distribution scheme, each power source contributes to the grid in an independent manner without communication among the power sources and without a master-slave scenario. The grid consisted of four separate power sources and the accompanying power conditioning equipment. Overall system design and testing was performed. The tests were performed to observe the output and interaction of the different power sources as some sources are added and others are removed from the grid connection. The loads on the system were also varied from no load to maximum load to observe the power source interactions." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Mintz, Toby; Maslowski, Edward A.; Colozza, Anthony; McFarland, Willard; Prokopius, Kevin P.; George, Patrick J.; Hussey, Sam W., [Glenn Research Center]
Publication Date: 2010
Category(s) : Bases, industry and manufacturing / Power / Electric
Progress Type: ADT ( A=Analysis only, D=Design, T=Testing, C=Completed or Commercial product )
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NTRS : 20100020911
Other Ref # : NASA/TM-2010-216084, E-17128
Submitted by : MEP
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