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ID No : 862   Edit
Title: Abrasion Testing of Candidate Outer Layer Fabrics for Lunar EVA Space Suits
Summary / Review : "During the Apollo program, the space suit outer layer fabrics were badly abraded after just a few Extravehicular Activities (EVAs). For example, the Apollo 12 commander reported abrasive wear on the boots, which penetrated the outer layer fabric into the thermal protection layers after less than eight hours of surface operations. Current plans for the Constellation Space Suit Element require the space suits to support hundreds of hours of EVA on the Lunar surface, creating a challenge for space suit designers to utilize materials advances made over the last forty years and improve upon the space suit fabrics used in the Apollo program. A test methodology has been developed by the NASA Johnson Space Center Crew and Thermal Systems Division for establishing comparative abrasion wear characteristics between various candidate space suit outer layer fabrics. The abrasion test method incorporates a large rotary drum tumbler with rocks and loose lunar simulant material to induce abrasion in fabric test cylinder elements, representative of what might occur during long term planetary surface EVAs. Preliminary materials screening activities were conducted to determine the degree of wear on representative space suit outer layer materials and the corresponding dust permeation encountered between subsequent sub -layers of thermal protective materials when exposed to a simulated worst case eight hour EVA. The test method was used to provide a preliminary evaluation of four candidate outer layer fabrics for future planetary surface space suit applications. This Paper provides a review of previous abrasion studies on space suit fabrics, details the methodologies used for abrasion testing in this particular study, and shares the results and conclusions of the testing." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Mitchell, Kathryn C., [Johnson Space Center]
Publication Date: 2010
Category(s) : Environment / Lunar / Dust
Life / Habitats and biospherics / Space suits
Progress Type: T ( A=Analysis only, D=Design, T=Testing, C=Completed or Commercial product )
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NTRS : 20100016326
Other Ref # : JSC-CN-20038
Submitted by : MEP
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