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ID No : 892   Edit
Title: Developing Biological ISRU: Implications for Life Support and Space Exploration
Summary / Review : CB = cyanobacteria, which get energy thru photosynthesis, like blue-green algae (cyan like color)

"Main findings: 1) supplementing very dilute media for cultivation of CB with analogs of lunar or Martian regolith effectively supported the proliferation of CB; 2) O2 evolution by siderophilic cyanobacteria cultivated in diluted media but supplemented with iron-rich rocks was higher than O2 evolution by same strain in undiluted medium; 3) preliminary data suggest that organic acids produced by CB are involved in iron-rich mineral dissolution; 4) the CB studied can accumulate iron on and in their cells; 4) sequencing of the cyanobacterium JSC-1 genome revealed that this strain possesses molecular features which make it applicable for the cultivation in special photoreactors on Moon and Mars. Conclusion: As a result of pilot studies, we propose, to develop a concept for semi-closed integrated system that uses CB to extract useful elements to revitalize air and produce valuable biomolecules. Such a system could be the foundation of a self-sustaining extraterrestrial outpost (Hendrickx, De Wever et al., 2005; Handford, 2006). A potential advantage of a cyanobacterial photoreactor placed between LSS and ISRU loops is the possibility of supplying these systems with extracted elements and compounds from the regolith. In addition, waste regolith may be transformed into additional products such as methane, biomass, and organic and inorganic soil enrichment for the cultivation of higher plants." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Brown, I. I.; Allen, C. C.; Garrison, D. H.; Sarkisova, S. A.; Galindo, C.; Mckay, David S., [Johnson Space Center]
Publication Date: 2010
Category(s) : Life / Habitats and biospherics / CELSS
Progress Type: T ( A=Analysis only, D=Design, T=Testing, C=Completed or Commercial product )
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NTRS : 20100008463
Other Ref # : JSC-CN-19923
Submitted by : MEP
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