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ID No : 924   Edit
Title: NASA Space Safety Standards and Procedures for Human Rating Requirements
Summary / Review : "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States of America (NASA) has arguably led this planet in space exploration and certainly has been one of two major leaders in those endeavors. NASA governance is institutionalized and managed in a series documents arranged in a hierarchy and flowing down to the work levels. A document tree of NASA s documentation in its totality would likely overwhelm and not be very informative. Taken in segments related to the various business topics and focusing in those segments, however, provides a logical and understandable relationship and flow of requirements and processes. That is the nature of this chapter, a selection of NASA documentation pertaining to space exploration and a description of how those documents together form the plan by which NASA business for space exploration is conducted. Information presented herein is taken from NASA publications and is available publicly and no information herein is protected by copyright or security regulations. While NASA documents are the source of information presented herein, any and all views expressed herein and any misrepresentations of NASA data that may occur herein are those of the author and should not be considered NASA official positions or statements, nor should NASA endorsement of anything presented in this work be assumed." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Shivers, C. Herbert, [Marshall Space Flight Center]
Publication Date: 2009
Category(s) : ZC - Uncategorized yet, fairly recent
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NTRS : 20090042944
Other Ref # : M09-0702
Submitted by : MEP
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