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Date T Library Title Author(s) Category(s)
1993 P P A Geochemical Assessment of Possible Lunar Ore Formations Vaniman, David T.
Gillette, Stephen L.
Haskin, Larry A.
Colson, Russell O.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 1994 P P A Remote Sensing Evaluation of Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits Hawke, B. Ray
    Coombs, Cassandra R.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 1980 S N Handbook of Lunar Materials Williams, R. J.
    Jadwick, J. J.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 1994 P P Reservoir Estimates for the Sulpicius Gallus Region [of the Moon] Cooper, Bonnie
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 1983 P P Lunar Ores Gillett, Stephen L.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 2009 L,U Lunar Crustal Rocks Types, Global Distribution and Targeting Jolliff, B. J.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 2009 L,U LRO Targeting of Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits Gaddis, L. R.; Robinson, M. S.; Hawke, B. R.; Giguere, Tom; Gustafson, Olaf; Lawrence, S. J.; Stopar, J. D.; Jolliff, B. L.; Bell, J. F., III
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 2011 L,U Restoration and PDS Archive of Apollo Lunar Rock Sample Data Garcia, P. A.; Todd, N. S.; Lofgren, G. E.; Stefanov, W. L.; Runco, S. K.; LaBasse, D.; Gaddis, L. R.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 2010 L,U Lunar Resources Edmunson, Jennifer
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources / Volatiles
  • 2010 L,U Geologic Mapping of the Lunar South Pole Quadrangle (LQ-30) Mest, S. C.; Berman, D. C.; Petro, N. E.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources / Volatiles
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Mapping
  • 2010 L,U The Smallest Lunar Grains: Analytical TEM Characterization of the Sub-micron Size Fraction of a Mare Soil Thompson, M.; Christoffersen, R.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 2010 L,U Mineralogical and Chemical Characterization of Lunar Highland Soils: Insights into the Space Weathering of Soils on Airless Bodies Taylor, Lawrence A.; Patchen, Allan; Taylor, Dong-Hwa S.; Pieters, Carle; Morris, Richard V.; Keller, Lindsay P.; McKay, David S.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 2010 L,U Lunar Meteorites: What They Tell us About the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Mare Basalts Basilevsky, A. T.; Neukum, G.; Nyquist, L.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • 2009 L,U Mineralogy of the Lunar Crust in Spatial Context: First Results from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) Pieters, C. M., et al.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Probes
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Mapping
  • 2009 L,U The 50 Constellation Priority Sites Noble, S.; Joosten, K.; Eppler, D.; Gruener, J.; Mendell, W.; French, R.; Plescia, J.; Spudis, P.; Wargo, M.; Robinson, M.; Lucey, P.
  • Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources