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ID No : 891   Edit
Title: The Smallest Lunar Grains: Analytical TEM Characterization of the Sub-micron Size Fraction of a Mare Soil
Summary / Review : "The chemical composition, mineralogical type, and morphology of lunar regolith grains changes considerably with decreasing size, and below the approx.25 m size range the correlation between these parameters and remotely-sensed lunar surface properties connected to space weathering increases significantly. Although trends for these parameters across grain size intervals greater than 20 m are now well established, the 0 to 20 m size interval remains relatively un-subdivided with respect to variations in grain modal composition, chemistry and microstructure. Of particular interest in this size range are grains in the approximate < 1 m diameter class, whose fundamental properties are now the focus of lunar research pertaining to electrostatic grain transport, dusty plasmas, and lunar dust effects on crew health and exploration systems. In this study we have used analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to characterize the mineralogy, microstructure and major element composition of grains below the 1 m size threshold in lunar soil 10084." (Author's abstract)
Author(s) : Thompson, M.; Christoffersen, R., [Johnson Space Center]
Publication Date: 2010
Category(s) : Exploration and resources / Lunar / Geology and resources
Progress Type: AT ( A=Analysis only, D=Design, T=Testing, C=Completed or Commercial product )
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NTRS : 20100008763
Other Ref # : JSC-CN-20023
Submitted by : MEP
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